
Oct 13, 2010

The Most Incredible Libraries in the World

1. University Club Library - New York City, United States
Photograph by Peter Bond
2. Canadian Library of Parliament - Ottawa, Canada
Photograph by James Gillard

3. Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library - New Haven, Connecticut
Photograph by Lauren Manning
4. Iowa State Capital Law Library - United States
Photograph by Tani Livengood
5. Suzzalo Library at the University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Photograph by Sam
6. Admont Abbey Library - Austria
Photograph by Ognipensierovo
7. State Library - Victoria, Australia
Photograph by Waltonics
8. Library at El Real Monasterio de El Escorial - Madrid, Spain
Photograph by Jose Maria Cuellar
9. José Vasconcelos Library - Mexico City, Mexico14
Photograph by Pedro Vasquez Colmenares
10. Real Gabinete Português de Leitura - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Photograph by Ruy Barbosa Pinto
11. National Library of Finland - Helsinki, Finland
Photograph by Marj-Liisa
12. Mitchell Library - Sydney, Australia
Photograph by Christopher Chan
13. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at University of Toronto - Toronto, Canada
Photograph by Fadi J
14. George Peabody Library - Baltimore, Maryland
Photograph by Danielle King
15. Strahov Theological Hall - Prague, Czech Republic
Photograph by Rafael Ferreira

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