Once away from the holiday costas, you could only be in Spain. In the cities, narrow twisting old streets suddenly open out to views of daring modern architecture, while spit-and-sawdust bars serving wine from the barrel rub shoulders with blaring, glaring discos.
Travel is easy, accommodation plentiful, the climate benign, the people relaxed, the beaches long and sandy, the food and drink easy to come by and full of regional variety. More than 50 million foreigners a year visit Spain, yet you can also travel for days and hear nothing but Spanish.
Geographically, Spain's diversity is immense. There are endless tracts of wild and crinkled sierra to explore, as well as some spectacularly rugged stretches of coast between the beaches.
Culturally, the country is littered with superb old buildings, from Roman aqueducts and Islamic palaces to Gothic cathedrals. Almost every second village has a medieval castle. Spain has been the home of some of the world's great artists - El Greco, Velázquez, Goya, Dalí, Picasso - and has museums and galleries to match. The country vibrates with music of every kind - from the drama of flamenco to the melancholy lyricism of the Celtic music and gaitas (bagpipes) of the northwest.
Map of Spain
Spain is the fourth largest country in Europe after Russia, the Ukraine and France ....
Facts on Spain
The total population of Spain is about 40 million people with 3.5 million living the capital city of Madrid ....
Geography of Spain
Spain makes up 85% of the Iberian Peninsular with Portugal representing the rest. Almost 90% of its periphery is surrounded by the waters of the Mediterranean sea and Atlantic ocean ....
The production of wine and olive oil are key agricultural products. The manufacturing and mining sectors have declined heavily whilst tourism represents the major income earner ....
More Information:
Tour Spain
- http://www.tourspain.co.uk
News about Spain from the Spanish Tourist Board in London,
including travel, events and sports.
In Spain
- http://www.in-spain.info
Comprehensive overview of Spain covering its regions,
culture and tourism.
Ideal Spain
- http://www.idealspain.com/
Details about travel, schools, employment opportunities
and immersion in the Spanish culture.
Spanish Living
- http://www.spanish-living.com/
Information on hotels, real estate, car rentals,
entertainment,restaurants, casinos and shopping.
Spain Dreams
- http://www.spaindreams.com/
Description, suggestions and photographs of
accommodations and vacation areas.
Spanish Spain Travel Holiday Guide -
Guide to major coastal resorts and cities of Spain.
Spain Tourism
- http://www.spainturismo.com
Online travel guide including hotels, museums,
beaches, shopping,nightlife, where to eat,
transportation, useful telephones,and weather.
- http://www.Spain-Info.com
Guide to culture, history, area guides, working,
living, property,fiestas, bullfighting, and the world's
largest tomato fight.
contributed field reports, articles, photos,
paintings, books, Q&A board and a directory
of experts and suppliers.
- http://www.tourspain.toronto.on.ca/
Official website with information for the Canadian
traveler on visas,customs and packages.
A Trip Through Spain
- http://www.quovadimus.org/spain99/top20/index.html
Travel through Spain with over 400 photographs of bullfights,
architecture, cities, food and daily life.
Iberia nature
- http://www.iberianature.com
Guide to Spain's environment, geography, natural history and
landscape. Includes Spanish-English nature dictionary.
- http://www.spanishholidays.com/
Travel guide with links to discount car rentals,
summer jobs, golf clubs and Spanish culture.
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